Using Chiropractic Care To Treat Your Child’s Ear Infection

Dec 23, 2015

Using Chiropractic Care To Treat Your Child’s Ear InfectionA recent New York Times article that highlights the cause and effects of ear infections found that, “Too many doctors and parents, rely on antibiotics for ear infections, despite a woeful lack of evidence for their benefits.”

For parents of newborn children and/or toddlers, Acute Otitis Media is one of the most common infections that children suffer from, for which traditional antibiotics have steadily lost their ability to effectively treat.

Although traditional medications have lost momentum in the war against bacterial infections and viruses, Chiropractic care is proven to be very effective for treating ear infections in children.

Cause For This Discrepancy

According to a report released by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there are three primary types of ear infections that exist.

These three conditions are called:

Acute Otitis Media (AOM)

Caused by bacteria and viruses.

Otitis Media with Effusion (OME)

Fluid builds up and blocks the Eustachian tube, which connects your middle ear to the back of your throat, behind your nose.

This type of blockage can lead to drainage, a sore throat, and/or painful congestion.

Otitis Externa

Also known as “swimmer’s ear,” this last type of ear infection can cause excessive itching, redness, and discomfort. This condition causes your ears to become so sensitive that the slightest touch can be painful.

Identifying The Symptoms

If your child experiences the following symptoms, you should consider taking them to see one of our licensed Chiropractors as soon as possible:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Issues with hearing
  • Frequent headaches
  • Irritability or mood fluctuation
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Fever.

Each and every person is equipped with 12 individual pairs of cranial nerves. The one that affects your ears exists within the eighth cranial nerve, known as the Vestibulocochlear nerve.

When pressure is applied to this nerve, its functionality begins to diminish, causing the health of your ear, nose, and throat to suffer.

Treating Ear Infection With Chiropractic Care

Research published by Dr. Joan Fallon from Yonkers, New York found that after applying a series of adjustments to children who suffered from ear infections, 80% were completely cured for up to six months after their last examination.

The reason for this is because Chiropractic treatment focuses on mobilizing the drainage of your child’s ear(s). When the drainage process continues without experiencing some type of infection, your child’s body is actually creating antibodies that allow them to recover at a faster rate.

Schedule Your Child’s First Appointment With Us

Every parent understands the gut wrenching feeling that comes with watching their children suffer from some type of ailment or pain.

If your child is experiencing a painful ear infection or is prone to receiving them on a regular basis, have them meet with our doctors who are trained to handle conditions that affect children of all ages.

Our professional staff help hundreds of children each year and make an effort to ensure that each child feels completely safe and comfortable at all times.

You can schedule an appointment for this week by calling (404) 602-0386 or by visiting our office at:

2375 Wallstreet Unit 135
Conyers, GA 30013


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