How Chiropractors At AICA Conyers Treat Cold and Flu Symptoms

Nov 14, 2016

The flu season runs from October to May and is responsible for sending over 200,000 people to the emergency room each year.

Although each state records flu outbreaks differently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that over 3,000 people will die from the flu this year alone.

Flu Prevention

In order to prevent getting sick from the flu, it’s important that you remain proactive when it comes to following through with particular actions that support a healthy immune system.

From dietary adjustments and regular exercise to receiving regular Chiropractic Adjustments, read the following information that to lean more about the Chiropractors at AICA Conyers and how we address harmful viruses that cause the flu.

Catching The Flue

Most people tend to catch the flu once the weather starts to get cold and the winter season sets in. When the temperature drops, you are more likely to remain inside. Doing so, especially at work, forces you to remain in close proximity to others who may be hosts for certain contagions.

Visiting A Chiropractor While You Are Sick With The Flu

If you do happen to get sick with the flu, it’s important to seek out Chiropractic treatment regardless of your symptoms.

You may be concerned over getting other people sick, but it’s even more important that you receive an adjustment so that you can support your body’s ability to fight off the harmful substances that are circulating throughout your body.

Why Adjustments Are Important For Flu Patients

Medical research shows a direct connection between the nervous system and the immune system. Your adrenal glands produce particular hormones and chemicals that allow your nervous system and immune system to communicate with each other.

Adjustments effectively remove all barriers that prevent this type of communication from taking place, giving your body the ability to function correctly and naturally heal itself.

A healthy spine is critical for a fully functioning nervous system because of your spines ability to regulate your immune system. By following through with regular adjustments, you are able to maintain a healthy spine at all times, which means that your immune system is able to continuously perform at its best.

Don’t Catch The Flu This Winter, Visit The Chiropractors at AICA Conyers

You can avoid the flu this winter by remaining proactive when it comes to supporting your body and health.

Scheduling regular adjustments allows you to support your immune system and its ability to produce enough white blood cells to effectively fight off harmful substances.

You can learn more about our approach to health and wellness, as well as pick up other great flu prevention tips by scheduling an appointment with AICA Conyers today!

We are available 24/7 and can be contacted through our online submission form or by calling us at 404-602-0386.


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