General, Sciatica | Jun 25, 2024

7 Ways to Get Immediate Sciatica Relief

Sciatica is the term used to describe pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, typically starting in the lower back and shooting through the hips and down each leg. This pain can vary from mild discomfort to sharp, debilitating pain. Finding relief is essential for managing daily activities and…

General | Jun 5, 2024

Why Do I Get Back Pain When Coughing?

Back pain when coughing can be a surprisingly common and uncomfortable issue for many people. Whether you notice a sudden, sharp pain or a slowly developing, dull ache, understanding why this happens is crucial to finding relief. Let's dive into the reasons behind this phenomenon, explore the connection of back pain and…

Most Common Leg Injuries from Car Accidents

Chiropractors, General | Apr 15, 2024

Most Common Leg Injuries from Car Accidents

Car accidents lead to a wide range of injuries, and among the most common are those affecting the legs. The force and impact of a collision can cause significant trauma to the lower extremities, leading to various injuries ranging from minor bruising to broken bones. Understanding these injuries, their symptoms,…

Car Accident Pain Clinic in Conyers, GA- What AICA Can Do for You

Accident Recovery, Chiropractors, General | Apr 5, 2024

Car Accident Pain Clinic in Conyers, GA: What AICA Can Do for You

At AICA Orthopedics, we have a car accident pain clinic in Conyers, GA, for your convenience. We understand the stress that comes after a car accident. Our Conyers, GA, pain clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support to people who have been involved in auto accidents. Our facility…

Recommendation for a Good Sleep Position for Sciatica

General | Mar 25, 2024

What’s the Best Way to Sleep with Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain can disrupt your sleep, leaving you feeling exhausted and achy the next day. Finding the right sleeping position can make a significant difference in alleviating or exacerbating lower back pain. Let's explore the best way to sleep with lower back pain and which sleeping positions to avoid.…

7 Things to Avoid with Degenerative Disc Disease

General | Mar 15, 2024

7 Things to Avoid with Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is a common spinal condition characterized by the gradual deterioration of the spinal discs that separate vertebrae. These discs act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae, providing flexibility and support to the spine. However, whether due to age or injury, these discs can lose their elasticity, leading…

Can Whiplash Cause Headaches?

Headaches, Whiplash FAQs | Mar 5, 2024

Can Whiplash Cause Headaches?

If you were in a car accident and are now getting headaches, you're not alone. This is actually something many people find themselves dealing with, especially after a car accident injury like whiplash. These headaches after car accidents, often accompanied by neck pain and stiffness, can significantly disrupt your daily…

Why Am I Sore After the Chiropractor?

General | Feb 25, 2024

Why Am I Sore After the Chiropractor?

Many people prefer chiropractic care to address a wide range of health conditions and improve overall well-being. This non-invasive treatment option offers a drug-free approach with long-lasting results. When visiting the chiropractor, people might experience various reactions after receiving chiropractic adjustments and other treatment techniques. These reactions can differ widely…

What Should I Do About a Headache After a Car Crash?

Accident Recovery, General | Feb 15, 2024

What Should I Do About a Headache After a Car Crash?

A car accident can be such a jarring and stressful experience. In the chaos of the aftermath, it's not uncommon for people to overlook subtle signs of injury, such as headaches, which may not always appear right away. However, these headaches could indicate underlying injury or complications that may require…

Can I Go to a Chiropractor for Tennis Elbow?

General | Feb 5, 2024

Can I Go to a Chiropractor for Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow is a relatively common condition characterized by pain and tenderness on the outer part of the elbow. Despite its name, tennis elbow does not only affect tennis players; anyone who engages in repetitive arm movements can develop this uncomfortable condition. If you're looking for lasting relief from tennis…

How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain

General, Spine Care | Jan 20, 2024

How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain

Imagine you settle in for a good night’s sleep only to realize the quiet struggle against the throbbing ache in your lower back. The comfort of your bed can feel like a battleground, each shift and turn met with a subtle protest from your lower back. As you attempt to…

How Can a Chiropractor Help with Hip Pain

General | Jan 10, 2024

How Can a Chiropractor Help with Hip Pain

Debilitating hip pain can negatively impact your daily life and overall well-being. Whether from injuries, musculoskeletal imbalances, or age-related issues, hip pain can affect everything from simple activities like walking or sitting to more complex movements like exercising or even sleeping. This pain and discomfort can cause people to look…

Accident Recovery, General | Jan 1, 2024

What You Need to Know About Car Accident Recovery

A car accident can be such a stressful experience. From the shock and trauma of the accident itself to the grueling car accident recovery process, it helps to have a support structure around you. If you are looking for a knowledgeable and skilled car accident doctor near you, get started…

Cervical Decompression Surgery After a Car Accident

General, Spine Care | Dec 18, 2022

Cervical and Lumbar Decompression Surgery After a Car Accident

For the majority of injuries sustained in a car accident, doctors will do their best to use conservative treatment and avoid invasive procedures like surgery. Some emergency situations will require immediate surgery, but other cases may see a patient undergoing surgery much farther down the line. When it comes to…

Types of Shoulder Dislocations

General | Dec 5, 2022

What Complications Can Be Caused by a Dislocated Shoulder?

The joints in your body allow for all kinds of movement, and your shoulder joint has the widest range of motion. In fact, the shoulder joints allow you to raise, rotate, and move your arm in a circular motion. The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint, which allows…

Types of Bursitis

General | Nov 15, 2022

Can a Car Accident Cause Bursitis?

After a car accident, you might feel some pain and discomfort. Perhaps your neck is sore from a whiplash injury, or you have headaches and feel stiff or sore. But what do you do if you notice pain and swelling around your joints? One potential cause of joint pain, swelling,…

Causes of Rib Pain After a Car Accident

General | Nov 15, 2022

6 Causes of Rib Pain After a Car Accident

Humans have twelve ribs in the body. The first seven ribs are directly attached to the sternum by the intercostal muscles and are known as the “true ribs,” while the 8th, 9th, and 10th ribs are not attached to the sternum. The 11th and 12th ribs are half the size…

Guide to Fully Recovering from a Car Accident

Accident Recovery | Oct 14, 2022

Self-Care Guide to Fully Recovering from a Car Accident

A car accident can take a toll on your physical health as well as your mental health. When recovering from a car accident, you want to make sure you take plenty of time to focus on your health and well-being. Whether you suffered a minor or major car accident  injury,…

Tips to Prevent Back Injuries at Work

General | Oct 13, 2022

7 Tips to Prevent Back Injuries at Work

Unfortunately, accidents and mishaps in the workplace can and do happen. While some accidents in the workplace occur because of your decisions or actions, just as often, workplace injuries occur because of someone else. You could also get injured at work simply because of bad luck or ending up in…

Memory Loss After a Car Accident

General | Sep 26, 2022

Dealing with Memory Loss After a Car Accident

In the United States, there are about 6 million car accidents reported every year. Car accidents are the second-leading cause of traumatic brain injuries, making up over 17% of them annually. When an individual suffers a head injury during a car accident, they may experience memory loss. Memory loss can significantly…

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