6 Fun Facts About Chiropractic Care

Jan 22, 2021

6 Fun Facts About Chiropractic CareYou likely have some idea of what a chiropractor does, whether you associate them with helping to reduce back pain or as your car accident doctor in Conyers. Since chiropractors are able to see people with a wide variety of complaints, whatever you think of them as helping with, they probably do! But in addition to that, there is a rich history behind the practice of chiropractic care and some people are stunned to find out some of the history! Keep reading to learn some interesting facts about chiropractic care that you probably weren’t aware of before today.

#1: The Roots of Chiropractic Care Go Back to 1895 in Iowa

A man named Daniel David Palmer is credited with having the initial idea for chiropractic care in 1895. He began the practice in his hometown of Davenport, Iowa with the belief that a spinal adjustment could have a positive ripple effect on other parts of the body. He saw chiropractic care as a powerful healing mechanism.

The word chiropractic care is a combination of the Greek words “cheiros” and “praktikos” and roughly translates to “done by hand.” After this initial creation, chiropractic care is now a global practice. One of the leading schools in the field, Palmer’s College of Chiropractic, is named for the inventor.

#2: It Takes Thousands of Hours of Training to Become a Chiropractor

There is a myth out there that chiropractic care isn’t scientific and doesn’t require the kind of training that other medical professionals go through to become licensed. In order to be named a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), a person must undergo a minimum of 4200 hours of classroom time, lab work, and clinical internships at the graduate level. The doctoral graduate program that results in a DC takes a full four years to complete after an undergraduate education, like medical school.

#3: One of the Best Chiropractors Was Blind

While becoming a chiropractor requires rigorous schooling, it’s also an accessible profession to people with a variety of disabilities. Dr. Charles Robinson Johnson was born in a mining camp and at age 27, was blinded in an accident. Twelve years later, he graduated from the Palmer School of Chiropractic, making history in 1918 as the first blind Doctor of Chiropractic.

Not only did Johnson go on to practice successfully, but he also became known as one of the most successful chiropractors in history. He saw hundreds of patients per week and then came to his practice in Peekskill, NY specifically seeking his skill and knowledge. So many people traveled to see him that Dr. Johnson is known as “the man who made Peekskill famous.”

#4: All 32 NFL Teams Rely on Chiropractors

Athletes at any level can benefit from chiropractic care, and professional sports leagues know this better than anyone. The National Football League is no exception, and each team uses chiropractors to boost performance, as well as a way to help athletes recover after practice or games, maintain general wellness, and address any injuries. Chiropractic care can also help players increase their range of motion, which allows them to prevent future injuries. The NFL brings on this sort of care because it’s not just about treatment, but about prevention, which lets them make sure their best players can be on the field!

#5: Most Chiropractors Are Under Chiropractic Care

Being a Doctor of Chiropractic doesn’t exempt anyone from needing care themselves! In fact, doing manual adjustments all day can be hard on the body of a chiropractor, so they need to ensure they are taken care of as well. Many chiropractors have a routine of stretches and exercises they can do at home in addition to consuming a balanced diet and staying active. And most chiropractors have regular adjustments performed by other practitioners to keep them aligned and able to keep working!

#6: Adjustments MUST Be Done By a Professional

When performed by a professional, chiropractic care is completely safe and natural. However, it is more complicated than it may seem, and you should never let an untrained person like a friend “adjust” your back. In 2001, a man in India received a neck adjustment from his barber that resulted in severe spinal cord and brainstem problems.

The bottom line is that chiropractic has a complex history and plays a huge role in many people’s lives. If you are looking for a car accident doctor in Conyers, consider a chiropractor at AICA Conyers. We will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that meets your needs, and you’ll have access to expert chiropractors as well as other specialists. Call today to schedule your first consultation.


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